Sunday, January 25, 2009

State Chess Tournament

Rachel and Chapin participated in the state chess tournament hosted at their school. The did really well. Rachel had two wins and three draws.

Chapin had one win, two losses, and two draws. He played both kindergartners and older first graders. Rachel and Chapin just started getting into the game this fall at our new school. They teach chess as part of their curriculum. Byron played in state and national chess tournaments when he was their same ages. The experience helped both of them to improve their game and confidence. We were proud of them for sticking the long day out and playing so many games.


  1. Again- I didn't know about the chess tournament! But they are good, smart kiddos!

  2. Tagging is if someone writes a post of answer questions and you get tagged then you have to copy the post and answer it with your answers :)

  3. That is awesome! Oscar has just started getting interested in chess, but I don't have the patience to really teach him... You give me hope! :)

  4. Ok, so this is actually Jeff- Becca normally does all the blogging, but it's a Sunday evening and everyone else has gone to bed. But I truly enjoyed reading about your Christmas and the chess brings back memories of us when we were little. I remember all the Wiscombes being way into that. That's great that your kids are following suit now.
